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Capitol View

NeighborWorks Lincoln (NWL) is expanding community building efforts in this area based on:

Neighborhood Characteristics

  • Includes parts of Woods Park, Downtown, Near South, and Capitol View neighborhoods. 
  • Largely residential (roughly 1,000 households) and primarily comprised of renters (90%).
  • Some commercial properties along corridors.
  • Home to a number of nonprofit/service organizations (including several existing partnerships).
  • Emerging Telegraph District impacting area.
  • Thriving school communities at Elliott Elementary and Lincoln High. 
  • Three low-income senior housing developments in the area.
  • No current organization-based community building work beyond Community Learning Center (CLC) sites.

Neighborhood Demographics

  • Census Tract 18 (plus part of Census Tract 17)
  • 11.5% of residents are foreign-born 
    • Partnerships established to help connect with residents who speak Spanish, Karen, and Vietnamese
  • 15% of residents are under age 18 
    • Partnerships established to support youth leadership and engagement opportunities
  • 6% of residents are over age 65
  • Median Household Income: $27,014
    • Lincoln Median Household Income: $67,846
    • 44.9% of residents are living below the poverty level
    • Partnerships established to connect residents with local resources and opportunities to advance civic engagement and resident empowerment.

In 2024 NWL began to build a Comprehensive Community Development (CCD) approach and plan, including long-term and mid-term outcomes and impacts.

  • Long-Term Outcome: Capitol View is a place where residents feel they belong in their neighborhoods and are connected to their neighbors.
    • Aiming to impact the rising health crisis of isolation.
  • Mid-Term Outcomes:
    • Programs/resources reinforce expansion of how residents currently experience belonging.
      • Achieved through canvassing (CIM base line) + intentional partnerships + support of resident-led initiatives/projects
    • Neighborhood vision and plan are dictated by current residents and stakeholders.
      • Achieved through asset mapping + neighborhood visioning/planning meetings + creation of neighborhood plan
    • Understanding historical impacts in the area.
      • Achieved through learning conversations + research + place activation + community storytelling and celebrations

In 2024 the NWL Community Building and Engagement team will lead relationship building with current residents/stakeholders to explore:

  • Baseline area data through Community Impact Measurement (CIM) analysis, including property analysis and resident perception;
  • Receptivity by residents/stakeholders to NWL investing CCD approach in area through CIM/learning conversations;
  • How NWL program strengths can be leveraged in area for greater impact (inform short-term/mid-term outcomes and strategies); and
  • Continue ongoing CCD dialogue across NWL team to foster alignment and leadership.

If you are interested in connecting with NWL about Capitol View please contact Community Builder, Brent Lucke, at or 402.477.7181 extension 104.

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