- City Website: The City of Lincoln’s website includes individual pages for each department, the Mayor’s office, and news updates. For residents who qualify, the City also coordinates the All Doors Lead Home Coordinated Entry System, which provides rental and utility assistance for those at risk of or currently experiencing homelessness. Residents looking to utilize assistance, or help others do so, can apply through the Lincoln Prevention Triage Tool.
- City Department FAQ: Guided by questions asked at NeighborWorks Lincoln's 2023 neighborhood forums, NWL compiled frequently asked questions and answers from the Lincoln Commission on Human Rights and four departments of the City of Lincoln: Planning, Parks and Recreation, Urban Development, and Lincoln Transportation and Utilities. These FAQs focus on why the departments interact with residents and engage resident voices.
- MyLink: MyLink is a free-to-use resource finder that catalogs all participating Lincoln service providers, ranging from transportation to re-entry services. MyLink works without a data plan or WIFI, and is available for download on iOS and Android devices.
- NeighborWorks Lincoln Resource Guides: These are quick reference guides listing service providers and contact information for clothing assistance, food assistance, and renter and homelessness assistance.
- Tenants' Rights: For renters with questions or concerns about interactions with landlords, Community Action Partnership provides Tenant Support Services, including education and the ability to answer questions (not legal advice). Additional information can be found on the UNL College of Law’s Tenants' Rights page. Our partners at Collective Impact Lincoln put together this great You Have Renter's Rights packet designed for Lincoln area renters to share important legal information, helpful tips and resources for renter support.
- Free to Save Matched Savings Program: For residents who are trying to get back on their feet financially, or who are working to qualify for NeighborWorks Lincoln's Homeownership Program. Community Action's Free to Save Matched Savings program provides a 4:1 match for participants who work with a financial wellbeing coach to save $1,000 toward qualified purchases.