Malone Neighborhood + Hawley Historic District
NeighborWorks Lincoln (NWL) has maintained a presence in the Malone and Hawley neighborhoods for over 25 years, and its office has been located there since 2016. The organization has completed more than 55 real estate projects in the geography, including new builds and rehabs, since 2010. NWL has also been heavily involved in the North 27th Business Association/Corridor that borders the east side of the neighborhood. This long-term investment in the area was the center of the 2019 Community Impact Measurement (CIM) study of these neighborhoods. Thanks to previous CIMs/surveys, a comparison of the area over a 6-to-10-year period provided a greater understanding of the investment made and its impact on the area’s real estate and resident experiences.
Little Free Pantry
In late 2023, NeighborWorks Lincoln relocated a Little Free Pantry to the NWL campus at 2530 Q Street (located on 26th Street). Residents and partners (NP Dodge, No Coast Junior Derby) work to keep the pantry stocked with non-perishable food and hygiene items to help those in our community who are facing food and nutrition insecurity.
If you are interested in connecting with NWL about the Malone/Hawley neighborhood please contact Community Builder, Tut Kailech, at or 402.477.7181 extension 401.